Driver's license check with the fuel terminal possible

The driver's license check is integrated in the Piccolo 600 fuel terminal. The first step is to insert the fuel card into the fuel terminal as usual. There is a sensor on the side of the fuel terminal for checking the driver's license, where the driver simply holds out the driver's license.

control can be started with the refueling process. Any data for internal administration can be retrieved via this. Driver's license control lists of all existing and non-existing driver's licenses can also be listed.

The following data is stored:



Date & Time


Evaluation software "FMSWeb

The software is browser-based and can be used with all common browsers like Firefox or Chrome. The data of the evaluations are displayed comfortably and show you a good overview of the current situation at any time.

Our products in use

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lümatic | Tanken mit Führerscheinkontrolle
Play Button

Technical documentation

Recognition of vehicles via

RFID token

Touch button

Chip key

For more information about the Piccolo 600 fuel dispenser, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Feel free to send us a request

Your contact to us

We are happy to be there for you personally:

Mon-Thu from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Fri until 3:00 p.m.

02241 26 47 0

For inquiries please use our

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